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Andy Narracott

Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation

  22. July 2024    197

We're nearly 10 years into the SDGs, and unfortunately, we have to call the sector out. Many people still don't understand what safely managed sanitation is. This lack of clarity is hampering authorities to take action to prevent millions of people being exposed to harmful pathogens. We need to resolve this fast because every day, almost 4,000 people are dying from diseases attributable to poor water, sanitation and hygiene, nearly 1,000 of them children under five. 

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Lourdes Valenzuela

Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries

  5. July 2024    249

El Taller de Diálogos SIRWASH en políticas públicas para la asequibilidad de los servicios rurales de agua y saneamiento en el contexto de los países Latinoamericanos y del Caribe estuvo organizado gracias a la colaboración entre la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE) Y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) en alianza con la Fundación Nacional de Salud Brasil (FUNASA). 

English Version below. 

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Ann Thomas

Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change

  11. June 2024    1829

In September 2021, Hurricane Ida dropped more than six inches of rain on New York City in a matter of hours. Roughly half of that rainfall, 3.15 inches, fell within the first hour—nearly twice the rate the city’s infrastructure was designed to handle. 

At 11am that day, I got a call from my daughter’s school in the outskirts of the NYC metropolitan area asking me to collect my daughter ASAP. The school basement was filling with water … fast. By the end of the day, the school was shuttered, and the surrounding community evacuated. Meanwhile, outside my front door in suburban New York, neighbours were piling the contents of their basements onto the sidewalk. ‘The neighbourhood’s shit is in my basement!’ one exclaimed. Social media was filled with discordant images of flooded streets and Teslas floating through them.

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Jeremy Kohlitz, Kaiea Ribanataake Awira, Ngaouea Neemia

Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points

  7. May 2024    2699

Kiritimati Island is a unique place. Situated within the Line Islands group of the Republic of Kiribati, an island country spanning almost 3.5 million km2 of ocean, it isn’t easy to find on a map. The closest international airport (other than its own) is in Honolulu – more than 2,000 km away. The capital of its own country is even farther away. Despite being  the largest coral atoll in the world, as of 2020 only 7,369 people live there.

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Alice Brandt , Mascha Kaddori

Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface

  26. March 2024    1663

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, non-human animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. 

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Tabeer Riaz

Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change

  21. March 2024    1478

In September 2023, fueled by a shared vision to create a meaningful global impact, five visionary women embarked on a journey that led to the establishment of the "South Asia Young Women in Water" (SAYWiW) platform. This initiative was born out of a casual meeting, which evolved into a powerful force for change in the realm of water management in South Asia. SAYWiW stands as a beacon of empowerment for women water professionals, acknowledging their often-overlooked contributions to driving tangible change in the region. Despite encountering obstacles, these trailblazers persistently pioneer research and innovation, surpassing global counterparts and shaping the future of water management.

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Beauty Mkoba

Unlocking the potential of African Women in STEM through mentorship

  12. March 2024    1879

Civil engineers and infrastructure professionals can make a huge difference – 72% of the SDG targets are linked to networked infrastructure development. This means the profession can play a leading role in economic growth, environmental protection, social progress, and climate resilience. Diversity in the dynamic world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)  can realise this impact better.

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Gloria Mariga

Mentorship empowers African women to lead environmental stewardship

  8. March 2024    2191

The pivotal role of women in climate action often remains unrecognized yet women play a vital role in tackling climate change.  

I was born in Kenya’s Uasin Gishu County and home of Mau Forest complex which is one of the water towers of Kenya and raised in Kakamega County - home of the only tropical rain forest in Kenya and UNESCO heritage that has seen destruction affecting water supply in counties around it. Over the years I learnt to appreciate that while climate change affects everyone, it does not affect everyone equally. Vulnerability to climate change is exacerbated by inequity and marginalization linked to gender, ethnicity, low income, and other social and economic factors. When solutions to climate change address these realities, they are more effective. 

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Josphine Gaicugi

Achieving access to adequate and equitable sanitation for all is no mean feat

  5. March 2024    2101

Suryabarti (Surya) Majhi is a Project Engineer in Odisha Water Supply & Sewerage Board.  She joined the department as a young assistant executive engineer in 2016 before which she worked in various government agencies. She calls herself an “engineer by mistake” because she wanted to study English- literature before she decided to study engineering. As a project engineer, Surya held the key to ensuring effective implementation of the state's Faecal sludge management. This has earned her a spot on the sanitation hall of change on the NFSSM alliance portal.

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Sanitation for Millions

Toilets Making the Grade® school competition – A Competition where all Participants are Winners

  1. February 2024    1996

Schools around the globe struggle to provide good and well-maintained school sanitation facilities. The Toilets Making the Grade® school competition helps improve just that in a creative and fun way that will benefit schools, as well as local authorities, donors and NGOs. Improving sanitation can often start with simple and creative steps, which is why the competition is so motivating. After all, who wouldn't be motivated to improve school toilets if there was something to win?

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Anne Fetscher, Jörg Felmeden

The sustainable use of tap water (in Germany) and the power of education. An Interview with Dr.-Ing. Jörg Felmeden

  24. January 2024    1809

Water is the condition for (a healthy) life, which is why access to clean tap water and sanitation has been included as one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Agenda 2030, the international agreement for global development. In a global comparison, Germany is very well positioned, but we increasingly have to deal with issues such as water pollution and - due to the increasing impacts of climate change - water scarcity too. In reference to sanitation in Germany, the main question we have to ask ourselves is how we can use our tap water as economically as possible. Because of its outstanding quality in Germany it should end up in the Germans' stomachs rather than in their toilets.

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Climate Resilient Sanitation Coalition (CRSC)

Getting sanitation back on the (global) agenda

  28. November 2023    1793

Despite the proven impact and interrelationship between sanitation and climate change, sanitation is still not part of the climate conversation. It must be, not only to ensure the resilience of the infrastructure, communities and the ecosystems which we depend on in the face of a global climate emergency, but also to harness effective and under-utilised greenhouse gas mitigation possibilities. 

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Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse, Sareen Malik

Decolonizing the WASH-Narrative

  17. November 2023    2084

In 2023, members of the SuSanA Secretariat, Global Steering Committee, Forum Moderators and the Africa Chapter met during the Policy and Practice Forum organized by the Center for Sciences and Environment (CSE). The Secretariat conducted an interview with some SuSanA members on the theme of "Decolonizing the WASH Narrative". This interview touched on the shift in knowledge ownership, representation and collaboration between the global North and South in the WASH sector.

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Carla Liera

Menstrual Health and Environmental Intersection: Towards a Holistic Approach

  16. November 2023    1406

Recently, I gave a presentation focusing on the complex connection between menstrual health and environmental issues. Within the presentation, I explored various crucial facets of this relationship, including the challenges surrounding access and use of reusable menstrual products, the environmental consequences of climate change on menstrual health practices, and the pressing issues related to resource scarcity and access to essential water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services, which are essential for ensuring dignified menstruation. Additionally, I touched upon the significance of menstrual waste and its effects on our water and soil.

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Dr. Elisabeth von Muench, Paresh Chhajed-Picha

Making the Sum of All (WASH) Knowledge Freely Accessible: An interview with Elisabeth Von Muench

  15. November 2023    1008

Elisabeth von Muench, former moderator of the SuSanA discussion forum, is a dedicated Wikipedia editor. With over nine years of editing experience and nearly 50,000 edits to her name, she ranks among the top 2,000 editors globally for the English Wikipedia. Through volunteer work and paid assignments, she has improved and written numerous Wikipedia articles on WASH, climate change, and SDGs. In this interview with Paresh Chhajed-Picha, Elisabeth explains her motivation, the need for wider participation in editing Wikipedia articles, and the challenges in doing so. 

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Josphine Gaicugi

Sanitation champion spotlight: A story of courage, determination and taking up space as a woman in WASH (featuring Eva Muhia)

  14. November 2023    1865

Eva Muhia is a Kenyan WASH entrepreneur and advocate who started her career manufacturing and supplying detergent to schools and institutions then progressively transitioned to WASH. She is the founder and owner of Varet products and Global sanitation environmental programme a NGO focused on advocating for sanitation and menstrual hygiene management. She is also the vice president of PASA and a appointed member of the Nairobi rivers commission. 

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Belinda Abraham

The Business Case for Sanitation

  13. November 2023    941

I am in favour of market-based solutions. Viva con Agua’s aims to expand its work related to social water and sanitation enterprise development.  Sustainably designed business models can help ensure that human rights can be fully realised. However, a recent evening in Berlin led to some thoughts and inspired this blog.

Belinda Abraham, Viva con Agua Institutional Fundraising.

Berlin, Germany

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Mana Omar

Root causes of Gender-Based Violence amongst Drought Affected Communities of Musenke Sub-Location, Kajiado County

  9. November 2023    682

For a long time , the pastoral community of Musenke Sub-Location in Kajiado County has faced myriad of challenges. These challenges are directly and indirectly attributed to changes in weather pattern, under-development, marginalization, government neglect and harmful cultural/societal practices. Such causative factors have resulted to multiple other problems affecting health, gender equality, education, economic status and use of land. In order to better understand the root causes of gender-based violence (GBV) in this community Spring of the Arid and Semi-arid Lands (SASAL) recently conducted a study.

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Alexandra Dubois

Is Mass Media the High Road to Behaviour Change?

  6. November 2023    452

“More people have cell phones than toilets”. This oft-repeated statement reminds us of two flabbergasting issues. There are billions of people who still don’t have access to improved sanitation, and that unguided technological advancement drives strange developmental priorities. What is critical is that the disproportion comes at great risk for many. Nearly one million people are killed by water, sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases every year.

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Kavita Wankhade

Systemic shame surrounding menstruation is alive and thriving, everywhere

  31. October 2023    550

This article was originally published on The News Minute on 28th May 2023, and has been republished/repurposed here with permission. Read the original article here. 

As women, shame enters our being in many ways — when an older man leers at our barely-sprouted breasts, when we are body-shamed or slut-shamed, and sometimes even when our brilliance dazzles. The fault, we’re told, is always ours. For most of us, shame is an all-too-familiar companion, and all that differs are our coping mechanisms. But perhaps nothing shames us as much, as persistently, and for as long as the fact that we menstruate. 

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