Articles 2024-09-08T02:03:36+00:00 Sanitation Blog Joomla! - Open Source Content Management Is Mass Media the High Road to Behaviour Change? 2023-11-10T11:59:15+00:00 2023-11-10T11:59:15+00:00 SuSanA Admin <p><img src="" alt="Household watching a video on their phone"></p><p>“More people have cell phones than toilets”. This oft-repeated statement reminds us of two flabbergasting issues. There are billions of people who still don’t have access to improved sanitation, and that unguided technological advancement drives strange developmental priorities. What is critical is that the disproportion comes at great risk for many. Nearly one million people are killed by water, sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases every year.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Household watching a video on their phone"></p><p>“More people have cell phones than toilets”. This oft-repeated statement reminds us of two flabbergasting issues. There are billions of people who still don’t have access to improved sanitation, and that unguided technological advancement drives strange developmental priorities. What is critical is that the disproportion comes at great risk for many. Nearly one million people are killed by water, sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases every year.</p>